Monday 5 February 2007


I have conned my mate Rabea into joining me in a half-marathon on 27th May. Not just any old half marathon of course - this is the Mull of Kintyre half marathon. Last year someone voted it the most picturesque run in the UK, so I thought it would be better than pounding through the streets of some smelly old city (I've often wondered about the wisdom of training your lungs so that they can more efficiently collect all the carbon monoxide and other crap from running, say, the London Marathon. I mean, have you seen what your snot looks like after a day spent in the "big smoke"?

So we'll be running our first (possibly last) proper race across the sands of Kintyre and around the leafy byways of Campbeltown. Makes sense to me, although getting there from Ireland is a bit of an odyssey.

Meantime, the training is going OK. We're up to running 7 minutes non-stop now, and a total of 23 minutes running altogether. We've found a pretty good venue too - the Lagan Valley towpath, which runs from Belfast to Lisburn. So far we've explored as far as Shaw's Bridge (about 5 miles there and back), but I can see us doing the 12 miles to Lisburn yet (although I'm not running back again!)

The knees are holding up OK, but the left foot is getting worse (it's the plantar fibromatosis thing). Anyway, I'm interspersing cycling with running (no impact, and it helps the knees), and will just have to make do with this for the moment.

Onwards and upwards.